Wednesday, July 4, 2007

She doesn't love me!

July 4th! Thought I'd give Jeeps the day off. Drove over to just hand graze. Got my red Parelli halter and lead and walked to her paddock. She has her nose in a large pile of hay along with her two buddies, Dreamy and Jaz. Jeepers looks up at me when I open the gate, see the halter and turns and trots away to the water trough. She drinks and then walks into the open shed with her rear end toward me.
Guess she didn't even want to see me today! Did I do too much yesterday? Drop halter and go sit on a rock. I tell her I am not going to DO anything. She doesn't move. I go get a handful of hay and offer it to her. She turns around and slowly approaches and takes it. When she finishes she turns back into the shed, back towards me. I sit quietly. Finally I go and get her and her buddies (who have finished off all the hay) several more flakes. I toss them on the ground and Jeepers walks to join her herd and eat.

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