Thursday, March 4, 2010

Saddle Up

My new/used saddle arrived!!!!! Natural Performer think its medium color. Doesn't have the horseheads around the edges which makes it look cleaner I think. Of course haven't gotten to sit in it yet as I don't have a cinch small enough LOL. I've ordered a 24 and a 26 and will see what fits the little girl. Avery had to cancel due to the snow yesterday. Well she had snow we didn't! But she is coming next wednesday. I told her I'd need a saddling lesson! Can't believe I've done this and the saddle is here. It is really beautiful.

Steve Katz was at the barn this morning. He adjusted Cici and since I had just brought over the saddle to the barn he checked it out on her. He commented how well made they were for horses, really loved how the front leaves room for the shoulders to move, as does the back. He said most western saddles are not made for horses, they are just made! Nice to hear good things from him about the saddle.

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