Today was one of those hmmm how interesting days. Yesterday Cici had respect for the plastic bag on the carrot stick in zone 3 but when I asked for a back up she paid absolutely no attention to the plastic bag in zone 1. Today I played with the large yoga ball - bounced it up and down on left side and even got it on her back. But she would not allow me to bounce the ball on her right side.
I played friendly with the saddle pad and she stood quietly when I put it on her and placed the saddle on her back with a hug. After taking the time to slowly tighten the girth I walked her over to the mounting block. I stood next to her in zone 3, slapped the stirrup leathers, flapped the panels and jumped up and down. She stood still. I got on the mounting block and she took a step back. I walked her forward, slapped the stirrup leathers, flapped the panels and jumped up and down. Placed the mounting block at her side she stood still. I got on the mounting block and she took a step back. I got off the block and started to walk her forward when Cici put me on her right side! Hmmm how interesting.
So I thought okay I'll mount from the right! I walked Cici to the mounting block, I stood in zone 3, slapped the stirrup leathers, flapped the panels and jumped up and down. She stood still. I placed the mounting block in position, on the right side, and got on it. She stood still. I rocked her, she stood still. Foot in stirrup - up and down three times. She stood still. I stayed up, and swung my left leg over. She stood still. Talk about hmmm how interesting.
I had tied the lead to the halter to make reins. Lateral flexion to the right was soft. To the left oh boy! Had a brace. This is causing my head to spin. Everything is totally backwards.
I practiced dismounting the traditional natural horsemanship way as opposed to my old calvary way from Captain Collins LOL. Kick feet out of both stirrups lean forward and swing legs up and away. But Cici raises her head when I swing my upper body forward. So lets see what happens with the parelli dismount. But first I have to figure it out!
I mount from right and dismount from left four times. Cici stands quietly at the mounting block - the mounting block on the right. I'm getting better and better at mounting from the right. Go figure.
A little bit of peace on earth
4 years ago
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